
人教版新起点六年级英语上册Unit6 Story Time (含音频、视频、教材、练习、课件教案)








Let's Spell 一起拼读吧。
A Listen, point and repeat. 听,指并重复。table fable cable carold cold gold fish foldB Listen, repeat and choose. 听、重复并选择。cablegolddisablesoldfableholdtoldfableoldcold
C Listen, write and say. 听、写并说。What's on the dinner table? 餐桌上有什么?My favourite animal is my pet goldfish. 我最喜欢的动物是我的宠物金鱼。It's beautiful and cute. 好美好可爱。
D Listen and repeat. 听并重复。The goldfish swims on the table. 金鱼在桌子上游泳。The goldfish is old, old, old. 金鱼很老、很老、很老。The goldfish swims, swims, swims. 金鱼游啊游啊游。So he isn't cold,cold, cold.所以他不冷、冷、冷。
Fun Time 欢笑时间A Good to know. 了解一下。Our Christmas Holiday in Australia 我们澳大利亚的圣诞节Our Christmas holiday is a summer holiday. 我们的圣诞节是一个夏季节日。Many people go to the countryside. 许多人去乡下。We can see kangaroos there! 我们能在那看到袋鼠。
It is very hot, so we like to go swimming. 那非常热,所以我们喜欢去游泳。We can also have a barbeque on the beach. 我们还能在那的沙滩上烤肉。We have a long summer holiday - six weeks to have fun! 我们有很长的暑假——六周的时间可以玩耍!COME JOIN US NEXT YEAR. 明天来加入我们吧。WE'RE GOING TO HAVE A GREAT TIME TOGETHER! 我们要有一段非常美好的时光!Our Christmas Holiday in Canada 我们加拿大的圣诞节
Canada is in the north, so it is very cold at Christmas time. 加拿大在北方,所以那里圣诞节的时候非常冷。We have to wear lots of heavy clothes. 我们必须穿很厚的衣服。We love to go to the mountains. 我们喜欢爬山。We can go skiing there. 我们可以在那滑冰。Skiing is difficult at first, but fun! 滑冰一开始的时候很难,但是很有趣。
Our favourite sport in Canada ice hockey.我们最喜欢的运动是冰球。Everyone in our school likes playing it.我们学校所有人都喜欢。WE HOPE YOU CAN VISIT HERE.我们希望你们能来旅游。SEE YOU THEN! 到时见。
C Let's sing. 一起唱吧。We wish you a merry Christmas. 祝你圣诞快乐。We wish you a merry Christmas. 祝你圣诞快乐。We wish you a merry Christmas and a happy New Year. 祝你圣诞快乐并新年快乐。
Glad tidings we bring to you and your kin,带给你们和你们亲属的好祝愿,Glad tidings for Christmas and a happy New Year! 带给圣诞好祝愿并祝新年快乐!We want some figgy pudding. 我们想要无花果布丁。We want some figgy pudding. 我们想要无花果布丁。We want some figgy pudding. 我们想要无花果布丁。Please bring it right here!请把它带到这!
Glad tidings we bring to you and your kin,带给你们和你们亲属的好祝愿,Glad tidings for Christmas and a happy New Year! 带给圣诞好祝愿并祝新年快乐!We won't go until we get some. 我们得不到的话就不走。We won't go until we get some. 我们得不到的话就不走。We won't go until we get some, So bring it out here! 我们得不到的话就不走,所以把它带到这!Glad tidings we bring to you and your kin, 带给你们和你们亲属的好祝愿,Glad tidings for Christmas and a happy New Year! 带给圣诞好祝愿并祝新年快乐!
We wish you a merry Christmas. 祝你圣诞快乐。We wish you a merry Christmas. 祝你圣诞快乐。We wish you a merry Christmas and a happy New Year. 祝你圣诞快乐并新年快乐。Glad tidings we bring to you and your kin, 带给你们和你们亲属的好祝愿,Glad tidings for Christmas and a happy New Year! 带给圣诞好祝愿并祝新年快乐!
Let's Check 一起检查吧A Listen and match. 听和匹配。Hi, I'm Tim. The winter vacation is coming. 你好,我是蒂姆。寒假要到了。My father work in Canada, so I'm going there with my mother. 我爸爸住在加拿大,所以我要和我妈妈去那。I'm going to visit the CN Tower. 我要去参观加拿大电视塔。I hear that it's very cold there. 我听说那里很冷。So I'm going to buy a new heavy coat. 所以我要买一件新的厚衣服。Hi, I'm Kate. 你好,我是凯特。
I'm going to Hainan this winter vacation.这个寒假我要去海南。I'm going to swim in the sea, play on the sand and eat delicious seafood. 我要去海里游泳,在沙子里玩,还要吃海鲜。I'm going to bring you some interesting presents. 我会给你带好玩的礼物。Hello, I'm Cathy. 你好,我是凯奇。I'm not going to another place because my grandmother is a little sick. 我不去别的地方,因为我祖母生病了。I'm going to look after her. 我要去照顾她。I'm going to read books to her, cook for her and talk with her. 我要给她念书,给她做饭,陪她说话。
Hello, I'm Jenny. 你好,我是珍妮。I'm going to a dance club and learn ballet. 我要去舞蹈社学芭蕾。I hear learning Ballet is hard. 我听说学芭蕾很难。But I think it's so beautiful. 但是我觉得很美。So I want to have a try. 所以我想试试。
Story Time 故事时间A Let's read. 一起读吧。The Smith Family's Christmas 史密斯一家的圣诞节It is a week before Christmas in the UK. 英国,圣诞节前一周。The Smith family go shopping.史密斯一家去购物。They buy a big, fat turkey, Christmas cards and presents for everyone in the family.他们买了一只大火鸡,给每家都买了圣诞贺卡和礼物。The next day, Mr Smith and Sam, his son, go to buy a Christmas tree. 
第二天,史密斯先生和萨姆,他的儿子去买了圣诞树。They try to buy the biggest tree they can, but not too big to put in the living room. 他们想买他们能买得起的最大的树,但是客厅又要能装下。When they get home, Sam decorates the tree with his sister Jane. 当他们回家,萨姆和妹妹简装饰圣诞树。It looks beautiful!看起来很美!
Sam and Jane write Christmas cards to all their friends and teachers. 萨姆和简给所有的朋友和老师都写了圣诞贺卡。It always feels good to give cards at Christmas. 圣诞节送贺卡感觉很好。It shows your friends and family that you love them. 它能表达你对朋友和家庭的爱。Now it is Christmas Eve, the day before Christmas. 今天是平安夜,圣诞节前一天。It is a busy day for the Smith family. 这天对史密斯一家来说是忙碌的一天。
First, they have to wrap the presents.  首先,他们要包圣诞礼物。Then they put all the presents under the Christmas tree.之后他们要把礼物放在圣诞树下。Now it is time for bed. 现在到了睡觉的时候了。Before Sam and Jane go to bed, they get their stockings. 在萨姆和简去睡觉前,他们得到了袜子。They put them at the bottom of their beds.他们把它们放在床底。
Now Father Christmas knows where to put their presents. 现在圣诞老人知道把他们的礼物放在哪了。Christmas Day is here! The family has a big breakfast together. 圣诞节到了!一家要一起吃大餐。Then they go to the tree and take the presents from under the tree one by one. 然后他们去圣诞树下轮流拿礼物。It is time to play with the new toys and games! Merry Christinas! 可以玩新玩具和游戏了!圣诞快乐!Christmas dinner is a big part of Christmas Day. 圣诞大餐是圣诞节很重要的组成部分。
Mrs Smith cooks a big turkey, and they also have a delicious Christmas cake, too. 史密斯女士做了一只大火鸡,他们也吃美味的圣诞蛋糕。It is the day after Christmas, a day called Boxing Day.这是圣诞节后的一天,叫做节礼日。The Smith family ate a lot on Christmas Day, so today they go for a long walk. 史密斯一家在圣诞节吃了很多,所以今天他们散步了很久。It is cold in December, but they still enjoy their walk. 十二月很冷,但是他们仍然很享受散步时光。



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