
人教版新起点六年级英语上册Unit4 Story Time (含音频、视频、教材、练习、课件教案)








Let's Spell 一起拼读吧。A Listen, point and repeat. 听,指并重复。ough bought brought thoughtough enough tough roughB Listen and sort. 听并分类。broughtthoughtboughtenoughoughtfoughtroughtough
C Listen, write and say. 听、写并说。My mum bought a noe jacket for my birthday. 生日的时候妈妈给我买了一个夹克。Peter was happy because he had enough money to buy a toy plane. 彼特很开心因为他有钱买玩具飞机了。
D Listen and repeat. 听并重复。He bought some meat, 他买了一些肉,But the meat was tough! 但是肉很粗!So he ate only vegetables, 所以他只吃蔬菜,And that was enough! 那就够了!
Fun Time 欢笑时间A Good to know. 了解一下。Colours and Feelings 颜色和印象In some countries, red is an angry colour.  在一些国家,红色是愤怒的颜色。To "see red" means to get very angry.  “看红色”意思是非常生气。
But in China, red is a happy colour. 但是在中国,红色是一个开心的颜色。We wear red clothes at Chinese New Year and give money in red envelopes. 我们中国新年穿红衣,压岁钱也放在红色的信封里。
Yellow and orange are cheerful summer colours. 黄色和橙色是令人愉快的夏日颜色。Sunshine looks orange, and golden yellow is the colour of a sandy beach. 阳光看着像橙色,金黄色是沙滩的颜色。
Blue is the colour of the sky and the sea. 蓝色是天空和海洋的颜色。In English, you "feel blue" when you are sad. 在英国,你觉得“蓝色”的时候代表你很忧郁。
Green sometimes means safety. 绿色有时代表安全。At traffic lights around the world, the green light means go". 全世界的绿色交通灯都代表“走”。
Purple is a colour for wealth and success. 紫色代表财富和成功。In the USA, the Purple Heart is a famous medal given to very brave soldiers,在美国,紫心是非常有名的奖牌,用来奖励非常勇敢的士兵。so purple means bravery. 所以紫色代表勇敢。
C Let's sing. 一起唱吧。You look so happy. 你看起来很开心。You look excited. 你看起来很激动。Why are you so proud on this fine day? 为什么你在这么好的日子里如此自豪?Why are you happy? 为什么你开心?
Why are you so proud? 为什么你如此自豪?Because I passed my test today.因为我通过了考试。You look so angry. 你看起来很生气。You look so worried. 你看起来很担心。
Why are you so sad on this hot day? 为什么你在这么热的日子里如此忧郁?Why are you angry? 为什么你生气?Why are you so sad? 为什么你这么伤心?Because it's going to rain all day. 因为今天要下一整天雨。
Let's Check 一起检查吧A Listen and number 听并标数。Many things happen last week. 上周发生了很多事。On Monday, I went with Bill to fly a kite. 星期一,我和比尔去放风筝。Bill lost his kite, so he felt sad.他丢了风筝,所以非常伤心。
Then on Tuesday, Andy's dad went to hospital. 然后星期二,安迪的爸爸进了医院。We were all very worried. 我们都非常担心。
On Wednesday, I played in a football match. 星期三,我踢了足球赛。Our team won, so we were very excited. 我们队赢了,所以我们非常激动。
Then on Thursday, Binbin brought his model plane to class. 星期四,彬彬带了他的飞机模型来班级。He made it himself. So he was proud. 他自己做的。所以他非常自豪。
On Friday. My brother took away my new book. 星期五。我弟弟带走了我的新书。I was very angry.我非常生气。
On Saturday. I was scared. 星期六。我非常害怕。Because a big black dog ran up to me. 因为一只大黑狗跑向了我。Finally, I was very happy on Sunday. 最后,我周日非常开心。Because my aunt came back to China. 因为我阿姨回中国了。
Story Time 故事时间A Let's read. 一起读吧。Cinderella lived with her stepmother and her two stepsisters.  辛德瑞拉和她的继母以及两个继姐一起生活。Her mother died when she was young.她的母亲在她小时候就去世了。Cinderella was sad. Her stepmother and sisters were very lazy. 辛德瑞拉很伤心。她继母和姐妹都非常懒。
Cinderella had to do all the work. 辛德瑞拉不得不干所有的活。She worked very hard, but her stepsisters were always angry with her. 她干得非常努力,但是她的继姐们总是对她发脾气。Poor Cinderella. 可怜的辛德瑞拉。
The prince was having a special party. 王子在举办一场特殊的派对。The stepmother and stepsisters were very excited.  继母和继姐都非常激动。They bought new dresses for the party.他们为派对买了新裙子。Cinderella wanted to go to the party, too. 辛德瑞拉也想去派对。
The stepsisters laughed at her. 继姐嘲笑她。When the stepsisters went to the party, Cinderella cried. 继姐们都去了派对之后,辛德瑞拉哭了。Suddenly, she saw a woman in her room. 突然,她看到一个女人在她的房间。Cinderella was scared. 辛德瑞拉很害怕。
Then she saw it was her good fairy godmother. 接着,她知道,她是仙女。Her fairy godmother changed her old clothes into beautiful ones. 仙女把她的旧衣服变成了漂亮的新衣服。She also turned a mouse and a pumpkin into a horse and carriage. 她还把一只老鼠和南瓜变成马和车夫。
Cinderella was very surprised. 辛德瑞拉很惊喜。You must come home before 12 o'clock.你必须在十二点前回家。On the way to the party, Cinderella was very nervous. 在去派对的路上,辛德瑞拉很紧张。When the prince saw her, he thought she was very beautiful. 王子一看见她,就觉得她很美。
Cinderella and the prince danced and danced. 辛德瑞拉和王子不停地跳舞。She was so happy. 她很开心。It was 12 o'clock. Cinderella was worried. 十二点了。辛德瑞拉很担心。She ran to the door. One of her beautiful shoes fell off her foot. 她匆忙跑向门口。一只鞋掉了。
The horse and the carriage were not there. 马和车夫不在那。Her beautiful clothes changed into her old ones. 她美丽的衣服变回了旧时的样子。Cinderella ran home. 辛德瑞拉跑回家。
The next day, the prince went to every house in the city. 第二天,王子挨家挨户寻找。He wanted to find the beautiful girl.他想找到美丽的女孩。When he came to Cinderella's house, the sisters tried to put on the beautiful shoe. 当他去到辛德瑞拉的家,继姐们想要穿上美丽的鞋。It was too small. 它太小了。
Then Cinderella put on the shoe. It fitted! 直到辛德瑞拉穿上。正合适!The prince was excited. Cinderella and the prince were married. 王子非常激动。辛德瑞拉和王子结婚了。They were very happy together.他们在一起很幸福。



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