
新起点三年级英语下册Unit 4 My Family 朗读+知识点

班班通平台 班班通教学系统 2021-12-24

Unit 1 School subjects

Unit 2 My school

Unit 3 After School Activites

Revision 1 朗读





Unit 4 My Family


 Unit 4 My Family 


family 家庭  uncle  姑父;伯父;舅父;叔叔 

aunt  姑母;伯母;舅妈;阿姨 

cousin  堂(或表)兄弟;堂(或表)姐妹

handsome 英俊的 beautiful 美丽的 

lost 遗失 water bottle 水瓶 know 知道

OK  好的;行 much 很多地;非常 

welcome 受欢迎的grandfather (外)祖父

grandmother  (外)祖母

father父亲;爸爸    mother母亲;妈妈 

brother 兄;弟 sister 姐;妹

二、单元句型(小朋友,学会了这些句子,会变得更加优秀哦! )

1. A: Is she your aunt? 她是你的姑姑吗?

B: Yes, she is. 是的,她是。

2. A: Is that man your father? 那个男人是你父亲吗?

B: No, he isn\\\\'t. He\\\\'s my uncle. 不,他不是。他是我舅舅。

3. A: Is she your sister? 她是你妹妹吗?             

B: No, she isn\\\\'t.  不, 她不是。

4. She\\\\'s beautiful. 她很漂亮。

5. This is my father. He\\\\'s handsome.这是我父亲。他很英俊。

6. A: Can you help me? 你能帮我吗?

B: Sure. 当然。                                   

7. A: What does he look like? 他长什么样子?

B: He has short hair and big eyes. 他有着短发和大眼睛。

8. A: Is he tall? 他高吗?

B: No, he\\\\'s short. 不,他矮。

9. He is wearing a green T-shirt and blue shoes.


10. OK. I see.好的。我明白了。

11. A: Thank you very much. 非常感谢你。

B: You\\\\'re welcome. 不客气。


family 家庭  uncle  姑父;伯父;舅父;叔叔 

aunt  姑母;伯母;舅妈;阿姨 

cousin  堂(或表)兄弟;堂(或表)姐妹

handsome 英俊的 beautiful 美丽的

1. A: Is she your aunt/sister? 她是你的姑姑/妹妹吗?

B: Yes, she is. /No, she isn\\\\'t.  是的,她是。/不, 她不是。

2. A: Is that man your father? 那个男人是你父亲吗?

B: No, he isn\\\\'t. He\\\\'s my uncle. 不,他不是。他是我舅舅。

3. He\\\\'s handsome. /She\\\\'s beautiful. 他很英俊。/她很漂亮。

4. A: What does he look like? 他长什么样子?

B: He has short hair and big eyes. 他有着短发和大眼睛。

5. A: Is he tall? 他高吗?

B: No, he\\\\'s short. 不,他矮。

四、重点音标(从今天起, 做一个发音标准的英语侠!) 

/juː/ use cute tube    /u:/ June flute rule



(    )1.Is your photo in the drawer? ________.

A.Yes, I am     B.No,it is     

C.Yes,it is    D.No,I’m not

(    )2.---________ my baseball?   ---It’s under the chair.

A.Where     B.Where’s    C.Where’re    D.Where are

(    )3.---________ under the tree?    ---No,they aren’t.

A.Where are    B.What is      C.Are they      D.Is it

(    )4.I need some things_________ class this afternoon.

 A. in      B. at       C. of          D. for

(    )5.There ________ a computer on the desk.

A.are          B.have        C.has          D.is

(    )6.A notebook and an eraser _________ in the pencil case.

 A. are          B. is         C. am           D. have

(    )7.I need to take the video tape back _________ the store after school.

 A. for            B. of            C. at          D. to

(    )8. Look at those ________. They are _______.

A. photoes; hers    B. photos; his   

C. photo; her       D. photoes; mine

(    )9. --- ______ behind ______?     --- My alarm clock.

A. What’s; the chair             B. Where’s; the chair   

C. What are; the chair           D. Where are; a chair

(    )10. Look! This is ________ clock. It’s _______ alarm clock.

A. a; an       B. an; an          C. an; a        D. a; a

(   )11. Please ________ this key to your sister. She is at school.

A. bring        B. brings       C. take       D. to take

(   )12. Sally. I need my dictionary. Can you ___________?

A. bring me it           B. take me it  

C. bring it to me          D. take it to me

(   )13. My computer game is ______ the drawer and my books are _______ the sofa.

 A. on; on       B. in; in      C. on; in      D. in; on

(   )14. Look! This is a picture _____ my bedroom. ________ bedroom is clean.

A. of; A        B. of; The      C. for; A      D. for; The

(   )15. __________ my toys. They are new.

A. Here are     B. Here is      C. This is     D. That is

(   )16.Is your photo in the drawer? ________.

A.Yes, I am     B.No,it is     C.Yes,it is    D.No,I’m not

(    )17.Where are your brothers? ________.

A.He is at home                 B.He is in his room

C.Yes,they are                  D.I don’t know

(    )18.________ there water in the cup?

A.Is          B.Are          C.Has          D.Have

(    )19.What’s under the desk? ________.

A.I have a football                 B.I can see a set of keys

C.They are red box               D.There’s a cat

(    )20.He ________ a small room. ________ a nice desk in it.

A.is, There is                   B.has, Has

C.have, There is                 D.has, There is


1.在课桌下面 ________________  

2.在沙发上面 ________________

3.在背包里 ________________  

4.在抽屉里 ________________

5.在椅子背后 ________________  

6.在电话旁边 ________________

7.在图片里 ________________    

8.在墙面上 ________________

9.在梳妆台和床之间 ________________

10.在地上 _______________

三、 完形填空

    This is a  1  of my bedroom. It’s a nice  2  . The door is   3   . And a ball is  4   it.   5   desk is near the window. You can see a   6   behind the desk. You  7  books and flowers   8   it. I  9  my English books in my schoolbag. The bag is now behind   10   chair.

(    )1.A.picture B.book C.map D.family

(    )2.A.classroom B.bed C.toilet D.room

(    )3.A.there over B.here C.this D.that

(    )4.A.in   B.on  C.under D.behind

(    )5.A.Me   B.I C.My D.Mine

(    )6.A.window B.door C.clock D.chair

(    )7.A.see B.can see C.must see D.look at

(    )8.A.from B.on C.at D.of

(    )9.A.put B.colour C.find D.put on

(    )10.A.a    B.the C.an    D.of


( A )

   This is a room in Kate’s house. There is a big bed, a table, a computer and some chairs in it. There’s a glass and some books on the table. There is a picture on the wall. Kate is in the room. She is looking at the picture. Her father and mother teach in the school. They work hard.

(   )1.Is there only one room in Kate’s house?

A.Yes, there is.           B.There is a bed.  

C.There is a computer.     D.I don’t know.

(   )2.What’s in the room?

A.Only a bed.       

B.Only a table.

C.Only some chairs.

D.A bed, a table, a computer and some chairs.

(   )3.Is there anything on the table?

A.Yes, there is.        B.No, there isn’t.   

C.Some books.        D.A glass.

(   )4.Who is at home?

A.Kate’s father.        B.Kate’s mother.   

C.Kate’s brother.       D.Kate.

(   )5.Kate’s father and mother are ________.

A.teachers       B.students

C.friends        D.at home

( B )

My name is Jeff. I’m an English boy. But now I live in China. I am a student. This is my classroom. Fifteen small desks and thirty chairs are in the classroom. They are for classmates (同班同学) and me. A big desk is in the classroom, too. It’s for my teacher. A clock is on the back wall of the classroom. Next to the clock is a map. It’s a map of China.

My classroom is nice and clean. I like it very much.

(  )6. Who is Jeff?

A. A schoolboy.        B. A schoolgirl.

C. A Chinese student.     D. American.

(  )7. What is Jeff talking about?

A. The family.         B. The school.

C. The classroom.       D. The park.

(  )8. What’s on the back wall of the classroom?

A. A clock.            B. A map.

C. A map and a clock.    D. A picture.

(  )9. How many desks are there (有) in the classroom?

A. Fifteen.             B. Sixteen.

C. Thirty.              D. Thirty-one.

(  )10. What’s next to the clock?

A. The classroom.   B. A map of China.

C. A big desk.       D. A school



1. His baseball is under the table.(变为一般疑问句)

______his baseball _______ the table?

2. His dresser is next to his bed. (变为否定句)   

His dresser _____ _______ next to his bed.

3. My keys are on the sofa.(对划线部分提问)    

_________ ______ my keys?

4. Mike is behind the door. (对划线部分提问)   

_______ ______ behind the door?

5. I draw pictures on the wall. (变为否定句)  

  I ________ ________ pictures on the wall.


1. We have a new (梳妆台) ___________________.

2. I put my books on the (书橱) __________________.

3. The (植物) ______________ is near the window.

4. Can you (拿来) ______________ me a pencil?

5. This is a (相片) ______________ of my family.

6. ---___________ is my clock, do you know?    

  ---It’s on the desk.

7. The v__________ tape is on the table.

8. Your brother needs the dictionary. Can you t__________ it to him?

9. I have a small (房间)________, but it’s very nice.

10. My keys are in the (梳妆台)______________. You can’t see.



Dear Li Mei,



Li Lei


一、1-5 CBCDD    6-10 ADBAA    11-15 CCDBA 

16-20 CDADD

二.1.under the desk  2.on the sofa  3.in the backpack  4.in the drawer  5.behind the chair  6.next to the telephone

7.in the picture  8.on the wall  9.between the dresser and the bed   10.on the floor

三、1-5  ABBDC   6-10 DBBAB

四、1-5 DDADA     6-10 ACCAA   

五、A Is; under   2. is not   3. Where are   4. Who is   5. don’t draw B 1. dresser 2. bookcase 3. plant  4. bring   5. photo/picture 6. Where   7. video   8. take   9. room   10. drawer

六、Dear Li Mei.

Can you bring some things to school for me? I need my notebook, my ruler, my video tape and the math book. The notebook is on the floor. The ruler is on the desk. The video tape is under the table. The math book is on the bookcase.


                                                                                    Li Lei



- END -









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