
新起点六年级英语下册Unit 3 Daily Life 朗读+知识点

班班通平台 班班通教学系统 2021-12-24




Unit 1 Visiting Canada

Unit 2 All around me

Unit 3 Daily Life


Unit 3 Daily Life(日常生活)


volunteer  志愿者  sandwich  三明治   top 上边,上面   habit  习惯  idea 主意,想法;意见less 更少   at least 至少

二、单元句型(学会了这些句子,会变得更加优秀哦! )


1. A: Bill, what do you do on weekends in China?


B: On Saturday mornings, I always go to my maths club.


B: On Saturday afternoons, I often stay at home and do my homework. 周六下午,我经常在家做作业。

B: Sometimes I go shopping or go to the cinema with my mum. 有时我去购物或者和妈妈一起看电影。

B: Wow, you\\'re so busy on weekends! 哇,你周末好忙!


What should we do to keep healthy? What are your ideas?


We shouldn\\'t eat them every day. 我们不该每天吃它们。

We should eat more fruit and vegetables, and less meat and candy.


To be healthy, we should also keep clean: wash our hands before eating and brush our teeth twice a day.


We should also exercise often. 我们还应该经常锻炼。

We should exercise at least one hour a day.


Sports are good for us. 运动对我们很有益。

We shouldn\\'t watch too much TV or play computer games for too long. 我们不该看太多电视和长时间玩电脑游戏。

We should also get enough sleep every day.


I think we should be happy every day.  我觉得我们应该每天开心。

That\\'s good for keeping healthy. 那对我们保持健康很有益。

We should always be happy! 我们应该一直保持开心!

三、语法知识 (掌握了这些知识点, 阅读写作so easy!)




She is sometimes very busy./ I will never forget this lesson./We often go there.



(  ) 1. t__p (上边,上面)   A. a B. o   C. u

(  ) 2. 1____s (更少) A. as   B. os C. es

(  ) 3. h__b__t (习惯)   A. a, i   B. o, b   C. o, i

(  ) 4. id____ (主意,意见)   A. ee B. ea C. ae

(  ) 5. vol____teer (志愿者)   A. on B. an   C. un


1. twice a day _______________   2. 有足够的睡眠 _______________

3. keep healthy _______________ 4. 垃圾食品 _______________

5. brush teeth ____________     6. 待在家里 _______________

7. at least _______________     8. —片面包 _______________

9. have enough time _____________ 10. 经常运动 _______________


1. dish (复数) _____________ 2. shop (-ing形式) _______________

3. health (形容词) _________ 4. teeth (原形) _______________

5. twice (基数词) ___________ 6. mouse (复数) _______________

7. hear (过去式) ____________ 8. much (比较级) _______________


(  ) 1. The flowers smell ________ in spring.

A. well   B. good   C. bad

(  ) 2. I don’t have ________ homework today.

A. some   B. many   C. much

(  ) 3. You should brush your teeth ________ a day.

A. two   B. twice   C. second

(  ) 4. What should we do ________ healthy?

A. to keep    B. keep    C. keeping

(  ) 5. ________ a lot of water is good for your health.

A. Drinking    B. Drink    C. Drinks

(  ) 6. It is very ________ to stay at home.

A. bored    B. boring    C. bore


1. 确保你的猫每天有水或牛奶。

__________ __________ your cat has water or milk every day.

2. 我们应该饭前洗手。

We should wash hands __________ each __________.

3. 我们每天应当有足够的睡眠。

We should __________ __________ sleep every day.

4. 我经常做些志愿者工作。

I often do some __________ __________.

5. 你每天不应该吃太多冰淇淋。

You shouldn’t eat __________ __________ ice-cream every day.


(  )1.  Finally, stir-fry for two minutes.

(  ) 2. How can we make stir-fried rice? Here are the steps.

(  ) 3. Third, put some oil in the wok, fry the eggs and put them into a bowl.

(  ) 4. Second, cut the sausage and crack two eggs into a bowl.

(  ) 5. Then, put more oil in the wok, add the sausage, cucumber, fried eggs, salt and cooked rice.

(  ) 6. First, wash the cucumber and cut it.


1. Do you like fast food?


2. What’s your favorite food?


3. How often do you brush your teeth every day?


4. What should you do before your meal?


5. Should you develop (养成) a bad habit?



Tilly: What do you want to do this weekend?

Ted: I want to go (1) __________.

Tilly: (2) __________ do you want to buy?

Ted: I want to buy some clothes and some food.

Tilly: What food do you like (3) __________?

Ted: I like fast food best.

Tilly: But they are not good for your health. (4)You __________ __________ not eat too much. You should eat more fruit and vegetables.

Ted: (5) __________ good! I will.


    It’s a sunny morning. It’s warm but not hot. Jack sees an old man with a black umbrella walking on the street.

    Jack is very curious (好奇的). So he asks the old man, “Hello. Would you tell me why you bring the umbrella?” The old man answers, “My legs are not strong. If I carry a walking stick, people will say, ‘How poor the man is!’ I don’t like this. So I carry an umbrella to help me. When I’m walking with an umbrella in a fine day, people will only say, ‘How foolish the man is!’”

(1) The weather is ________ that morning.

A. snow   B. windy   C. warm

(2) Jack sees an old man with ________.

A. a red coat   B. a black umbrella   C. a black coat

(3) The old man’s legs are ________.

A. strong   B. weak   C. long

(4) The old man carries an umbrella to ________.

A. help himself   B. avoid the rain    C. play with

(5) Is the old man foolish?

A. Yes, he is.   B. No, he isn’t.   C. He can walk.


一、1-5 BCABC

二、1. 一天两次  2. get enough sleep  3. 保持健康

4. junk food   5. 刷牙   6. stay at home

   7. 至少    8. a piece of bread  

   9. 有充足的的时间   10. exercise often

三、1. dishes  2. shopping   3. healthy  4. tooth  5. two  6. mice  7. heard  8. more

四、1-6 BCBAAB

五、1. Make sure  2. before; eating  3. get/ have enough  4. volunteer work  5. too much



八、(1) shopping (2) What (3) best (4) should (5) Sounds

九、(1)-(5) CBBAB









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