
新起点五年级英语下册Unit 4 Last weekend 朗读+知识点

班班通平台 班班通教学系统 2021-12-24





Unit 1 Keeping healthy

Unit 2 Special days

Unit 3 Making contact

Revision 1 复习

 Unit 4 Last weekend 


Unit 4 Last Weekend(上周末)


Cleaned the window (过去式)擦窗子watched TV (过去式)看电视climbed a hill (过去式)爬山visited grandparents (过去式)看望祖父母danced(dance的过去式)跳舞jumped rope (过去式)跳绳listened to music (过去式)听音乐rowed a boat (过去式)划船played computer games (过去式)玩电子游戏stayed at home (过去式)呆在家里played the piano (过去式)弹钢琴played chess (过去式)下棋washed clothes (过去式)洗衣服boring 乏味的badminton 羽毛球won (win的过去式)赢;获胜

二、单元句型(小朋友,学会了这些句子,会变得更加优秀哦! )

1. A: What did you do last weekend? 你上周末做了什么?

B: I visited my grandparents. 我去拜访了祖父母。

2. A: How was your weekend? 你周末过得怎么样?

B: It was wonderful. 很棒。

3. A: What did you do last weekend? 你上周末做什么了?

B: I watched a football match with my friends, and then we played football together. 我和朋友看了足球赛,然后一起踢足球了。

B: On Sunday, I played the violin in a music club. 周日,我在音乐社拉小提琴了。

A: That really sounds fun. 听起来很有趣。

4. A: How was your weekend? 你的周末怎么样?

B: It was great on Saturday. 周六很棒。

B: It was rainy in the afternoon. 下午在下雨。

B: I played in the rain. It was a lot of fun. 我在雨中玩。很有趣。

A: Wow, that was cool. 哇,那很酷。

5. A: What did you do last Sunday? 你上周日做了什么?

B: I stayed in bed all day. I was ill. 我一直呆在床上。我病了。

A: Oh, what a pity! I\\'m sorry to hear that.



Cleaned the window (过去式)擦窗子watched TV (过去式)看电视climbed a hill (过去式)爬山visited grandparents (过去式)看望祖父母danced(dance的过去式)跳舞jumped rope (过去式)跳绳listened to music (过去式)听音乐rowed a boat (过去式)划船played computer games (过去式)玩电子游戏stayed at home (过去式)呆在家里played the piano (过去式)弹钢琴played chess (过去式)下棋washed clothes (过去式)洗衣服boring 乏味的

1. A: How was your weekend? 你周末过得怎么样?

B: It was wonderful. 很棒。

2. A: What did you do last weekend? 你上周末做什么了?

B: I watched a football match with my friends, and then we played football together. 我和朋友看了足球赛,然后一起踢足球了。

四、语音知识(从今天起, 做一个发音标准的英语侠!) 


在清辅音后的发音为/t/,如:helped, asked


在t, d后的发音为/ɪd/,如: wanted, needed


1. 含义:过去某个时间里发生的动作或状态。过去习惯性、经常性的动作或行为。过去主语所具备的能力和性格。

2. 时间标志词:yesterday, last week...

3. 结构:(1)陈述句

肯定形式:主语 + 动词过去式 + 其他.

否定形式:主语 + didn\\'t + 动词原形 + 其他.


   ①Did + 主语 + 动词原形 + 其它?  

   ②Was/Were + 主语 + 表语?


疑问词 + did + 主语 + 动词原形 + 其他?

4. 变化规则:

(1)规则变化①动词 + ed;②不发音e结尾的单词,只加d。


     如:let, put, read, cut, cost


    如:come-came, run-ran  

人教新起点五年级下册Unit4 练习及答案


(  ) 1. A. how  B. know   C. snow

(  ) 2. A. for   B. work   C. word

(  ) 3. A. usually   B. us    C. up

(  ) 4. A. why    B. fly   C. study



1. A. the day after tomorrow     B. yesterday   

C. tomorrow                    D. today


2. A. Friday   B. Tuesday   C. Thursday   D. Monday


3. A. June   B. September   C. March   D. January



(  ) 1. She made a beautiful card for ________.

A. my   B. we   C. me

(  ) 2. We ________ a good time yesterday.

A. are having    B. have   C. had

(  ) 3. I ________ my grandparents last Friday.

A. watched   B. visited   C. looked

(  ) 4. ________ Saturday morning, I went to the hospital.

A. With   B. On C. For

(  ) 5. I went to Beijing by ________ plane.

A. /   B. the C. a


(  ) 1. 你想表达“我周末很忙”,应说:

A. I had a busy weekend.   B. I had a free weekend.

(  ) 2. 别人问你昨天是否去看电影了,你没去,应回答:

A. No, I didn’t.   B. No, I don’t.

(  ) 3. 电视节目很有趣,你想对妈妈说:

A. It’s too had.   B. It was so interesting.

(  ) 4. 你想表达“我洗过脸了”,应说:

A. I am washing my face.   B. I washed my face.

(  ) 5. 你想表达“我看了一整天电视”,应说:

A. I watched TV all day.   B. I watched TV all the morning.


A. I went to a football match with my friends. Our team won.

B. I went to a birthday party. We sang and danced. We were very happy.

C. Tom went to the park with his parents. But he fell into the lake.


1. But I didn’t do my homework.


2. Did you do any chores?


3. Our team was really strong.


4. What did you do last Saturday?



(  ) 1. We stayed  in  an big hotel.    __________

         A      B  C

(  ) 2. Do  you  swimming yesterday?    __________

    A    B       C

(  ) 3. She  didn’t  played  the piano.    __________

            A       B    C

(  ) 4. Did   you   watched   it, too?    __________

       A     B      C

(  ) 5. We  went  to the shop at the afternoon. _________

          A    B          C


A: Zhang Li, what did you do last Sunday?

B: I visited Li Ying’s grandparents.

A: Where do they live?

B: They live in a small town near Beijing. They have a really nice house. I went there with Lucy, Gao Shan, Bob and Li Ying. Her grandparents were glad to see us. Her grandma cooked nice lunch for us.

A: What did you do there?

B: In the morning, we cleaned the house. In the afternoon, we worked in their garden. Lucy watered the trees and flowers. Cao Shan and Bob planted some trees. Li Ying and I picked apples.

A: Were you tired’?

B: No! I like working. We had a really good time.


(1) Zhang Li visited Li Ying’s grandparents last Sunday.

(2) On the farm, Bob and Cao Shan planted trees.

(3) Li Ying’s grandma cooked nice lunch.

(4) Lucy and Li Ying watered the flowers.

(5) They had a good time.


一、1-4 AAAC

二、(1) rowed B (2) climbed A (3) sang D (4) ate C

三、1. B D C A   2. D B C A   3. D C A B

四、1-5 CCBBA

五、1-5 AABBA

六、(1)-(3) CBA


1. 但是我没做家庭作业。

2. 你做家务了吗?

3. 我们队真的很强。

4. 你上周六干什么了?


1. C a   2. A  Did   3. B  play   4. C  watch   5. C  in

九、(1)-(5) √×√×√




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