
外研版 ▏八年级下册第一单元最全知识点总结(单词含音频)

奇速英语 2023-02-12



Module 1  Feelings and impressions

smell [smel]  v. (smelled/smeld/, smelled/smeld/;smelt/smelt/, smelt/smelt/)有…的气味;闻; n.气味【感官动词smell用作连系动词,后面接形容词作表语。过去式和过去分词有两种情况。】



1. look sb. in the eye  正视某人

2. look+形容词  看上去…

3. be afraid that +从句  恐怕…

be afraid to do sth  害怕做某事

be afraid of doing sth  害怕……

4. thank (sb ) for doing sth  因某人做某事而感谢  

thank(sb) for sth  因…感谢某人                                

5. can’t wait to do sth  迫不及待做某事

6. spend 时间/金钱+(in)doing sth.  某人花时间/金钱做…

spend 时间/金钱+on sth.  某人在某方面花时间/金钱

7. be proud of…  以…为自豪

8. be proud to do sth.  为做某事而感到自豪

9. be proud that…  为……感到自豪

10. hear from/ receive a letter from...   收到......的来信       

11. each other  互相,彼此

12. arrive in/at  到达

13. be good at  擅长,善于

14. have a try  尝试

15. on top 在上面,处于优势

16. in the middle  在中间

17. as well  也;还

18. in the right way  以正确的方式

19. be excited about  对...兴奋

20. shake hands  握手

21. close to  离......近



1.What a delicious sell! 多么香的气味!

2.. It tastes too strong. 味道太重

3.I’m afraid(that) I don’t like cheese 

Be afraid of sth.(sb) 害怕某物(某人) 

4.Would you like to try some?

5.what’s she like?她人怎么样?询问性格特征。

What does sb (sth) look like? 询问某人外部特征,长相。

7. Hear from sb. 收到某人的来信。

8.Can’t wait to do sth. 迫不及待做某事。

9.Be proud of sb.( sth) 为…..感到自豪。

10.be angry with sb.生某人的气。

 Be angry at/about sth. 因某事生气。

11.at first 首先。

12. Be excited about…. 对……感到兴奋。excited形容人,exciting形容物

13.you look very busy 你看上去很忙

14.It doesn’t smell fresh 它闻起来不新鲜




一是(be: am ,is ,are ,been ,was ,were),一觉得(feel),一好像(seem),一保持(keep) ,

三变化(turn, become, get ),四起来(smell, sound ,look ,taste),后跟形容词.


1.would like =want , would like to do sth=want to do sth . 想要做某事

would like sb. to do sth .=want sb. to do sth 想要某人做某事

would you like ...? 其后用some 不用any . 句子:Would you like to do sth .

肯定回答:Yes ,please ./sure ,thanks ./Yes ,I’d like to./Yes ,I’d love to

否定回答:No, thanks ./Sorry ,I’m afraid I can’t .

2.try to do sth .尽力做某事;试图做某事;设法做某事,但不一定成功.

否定式:try not to do sth. try doing sth .试着做某事,看看会发生什么情况. have a try 试一试

3.a bit 与a little 1)两者修饰动词,形容词,副词或比较级,

2)a little 可以直接修饰不可数名词,相当于a bit of

4.have a try 试试看, have a look 看一看 have a headache头疼 have a rest 休息

have a meeting 开会 have a good time 玩得愉快 have a fever发烧

5.lots of =a lot of 很多,大量 ,常用于肯定句中.既可修饰可数相当于many , 又可修饰不可数,相当于much . a lot 相当于very much ,多与动词连用,修饰形容词,副词的比较级.

6.提出建议:1)Let’s do sth.让我们做…吧. 2)How about /what about doing sth ?做..怎么样

3)Why not do sth ?为什么不…? 4)Would you like to do …?你愿意做….吗?

5)Shall we do …?我们做…好吗? 6)You’d better(not) do ..你最好(不)做某事.

7.Thanks for sth. =Thank you for sth. 因…而感谢.后V+ing . Thanks to 幸亏,由于,归功于.

8.leave a message留个口信, take/have a message for sb.给某人带个口信.

9.hear from sb.=get /receive a letter from sb . 收到…的来信 hear about /of 得悉,听说

Hear out 听完 hear to 同意

10.can’t wait to do sth .迫不及待做某事 wait for 等候…,后接等待的对象,名词或代词 wait to do sth .等着做某事

11.三到达 :arrive at (小地方),arrive in (大地方),get to =reach 注意:跟home ,here ,there 等副词时,不加介词.

12.quite相当,很,相当于very,区别, quite a ../ quite an ..而very 只能放在a /an 后

13.with 有,带有; 和…一起; 使用等.反义词without

14. lovely: 令人愉快的,可爱的 修饰人或物 a lovely afternoon / girl

lively: 活泼的,生动的 a lively lesson:一堂生动的课

16.四个花费: take: It takes sb. some time to do sth. /It took sb .some time to do sth .

Spend : Sb. spend some time/ money on sth

Sb. spend some time/ money (in) doing sth.

Pay: Sb. pay some money for sth.

cost : sth cost sb .some money .

17.四个也:as well 肯定,句末,不用逗号 too,肯定,句末,逗号可有可无.

either:否定句末, also ,肯定句中,行前be 后.

18.proud .adj. be proud of 为…而感到骄傲 be proud to do sth .做某事很自豪.

pride. n. take pride in ….为…感到自豪; the pride of ….的骄傲.

19.How do you feel about …?对…感觉如何?与How do you like …?

20.at first 起初,开始 ,常位于句首或句末,反义词.at last 最后,终于

first of all ,首先,用作插入语,说明顺序,后接next ,then , at first ,指刚开始做某事的时候,暗示后来的情况有所改变.

21.few /a few修饰可数名词,little /a little 修饰不可数名词,有a 表示有,没有a 表示没有.

22.way 的短语:in this way 用这种方式, in the right way用正确的方法, the way of 做..的方式 on the way to …在去…的路上 by the way 顺便说一下.

23.be afraid of 害怕,后接名词,代词或动名词 be afraid to do sth .害怕做某事

24.each other 互相 

25.be nervous about 对…感到紧张

26.问外貌:What+do/does /did +主语+look like ? 

问性格:What +be +主语+like ?

27.be friendly to sb. 对某人友好- 

28.be good at =do well in 擅长,后跟doing sth .或名词。

29.shake hands with sb.与某人握手 

30.be good for 对…有好处, 反义:be bad for .对..有害

31.help sb. with sth .在某方面帮助某人, help sb do sth .帮助某人做某事

32.make a lot of noise =make much noise发出很多噪音



写一篇文章介绍你的网友 ,内容包括: 1. 来自于澳大利亚的悉尼;2. 年龄:15岁;3. 外貌:很瘦;眼睛很大;头发长且卷曲;4. 性格:很友好;很外向;5. 爱好:读书、上网与朋友聊天。 注意:词数70左右。

I have a net friend. She is from Sydney, Australia. The girl is fifteen years old. She is thin with two big eyes. She has long fair hair. She is friendly and outgoing. She always has a big smile on her face. She likes reading and chatting on the Internet with her friends. She said that reading made her grow up as a person. I feel very happy when I chat with her. I like my net friend very much. I hope I can go to Sydney to see her one day.






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