
英语(苏教版)六年级下册:Unit 6






Cartoon time

Song time or rhyme



Unit 6 Story time①The children will learn about Australia next week. They want to find out about this country before the lessons.孩子们将在下周学习关于澳大利亚的内容。他们想要在课前弄清这个国家的情况。Mike: I\\\\'ll ask my e-friend in Australia. She can send me some photos.迈克:我将问我在澳大利亚的网友。她可以发给我一些照片。Wang Bing: I\\\\'ll ask Mr Green. He comes from Australia.王兵:我将问格林先生。他来自澳大利亚。Liu Tao: I\\\\'ll read about Australia on the Internet.刘涛:我将在网上阅读关于澳大利亚的信息。Yang Ling: I\\\\'ll go to the library and look for books and magazines about Australia.杨玲:我将去图书馆寻找关于澳大利亚的书和杂志。②At home, Liu Tao is reading about Australia.在家里,刘涛正在阅读关于澳大利亚的信息。You will find many interesting things in Australia.在澳大利亚你将发现很多有趣的事物。Do you like animals? You will love our kangaroos and koalas. Sport--lovers will like Australian football games because they are very exciting.你喜欢动物吗?你将爱上我们的袋鼠和考拉。运动爱好者将会喜欢上澳式橄榄球比赛,因为比赛十分激动人心。You will also like Sydney. It is a beautiful city. Many people visit it every year.你也将喜欢悉尼。它是一座美丽的城市。每年许多人游览它。People in Australia welcome visitors. Come and visit Australia today!澳大利亚的人们欢迎游客。今天就来游览澳大利亚吧!
Wordsa kangroo 一头袋鼠
a koala 一头考拉(树袋熊)
Australian Football 澳式橄榄球Sydney 悉尼
Sound timeair

air 空气chair 椅子fair 集市hair 头发
Look over there!看那儿!
It’s Sydney in Australia. 澳大利亚的悉尼。
The city has fresh air. 这个城市有清新的空气。
Its view is fair.它的景点是集市。

Culture timeYou’ll find the Great Wall in China.
You’ll find Yellowstone National Park in the US.你能在美国找到黄石国家公园。
You’ll find Stonehenge in the UK.你能在英国找到巨石阵。
You’ll find the Great Barrier Reef in Australia.你能在澳大利亚找到大堡礁。

Cartoon time
①Billy likes eating nice food.比利喜欢吃美味的食物。Yummy! I want to be a cook.好吃!我想成为一名厨师。②Billy wants to find out about cooking.比利想弄清烹饪的事情。I\\\\'ll learn about cooking on the Internet.我将在网上学习烹饪知识。I\\\\'ll read newspapers too.我也将读报纸。③Billy will cook dinner for Bobby and Sam.比利将为博比和萨姆做晚餐。What will you cook?你将烹饪什么?Will you cook fish for me?你将给我烹饪鱼吗?Just wait and see.等着瞧。④Billy is very busy in the kitchen.He is cooking fish and making a potato salad.比利在厨房里非常忙。他正在烹饪鱼和制作土豆沙拉。What do you think, Sam? Is he a good cook?你觉得呢,萨姆?他是一个好厨师吗?


